PRESS STATEMENT: Blyvooruizicht residents a step closer to accessing affordable prepaid electricity

Lawyers for Human Rights (LHR) has been representing the residents of Blyvooruizicht community in Caltonville, in getting access to affordable prepaid electricity. Today, the Pretoria High Court issued a court order that guaranteed the community’s continued access to electricity.

Blyvooruitzicht community is but one of thousands communities near abandoned mines scattered across South Africa. Most of these communities, are facing a growing environmental, health and social crisis created by a withering mining sector.

Wayne Ncube, an attorney at LHR, said that “the court order ensures that it is feasible for Eskom to provide the community with access to affordable prepaid electricity”.

For more information please contact Wayne Ncube on 071 850 3434 or Carol Mohlala on 061 906 0353